Feldenkrais ATM Online 4 Class Pass

Feldenkrais ATM Online 4 Class Pass

Buy a 4-class pass for online Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement (ATM) instruction with Christin Harvey – Certified Guild Instructor. Save $5/lesson with this pass.

Choose In Store Pickup under Shipping.

We will provide the Zoom link for entry to the email address you provide when you sign up.


Feldenkrais® group classes are known as Awareness Through Movement® (ATM®) lessons. Similar to Tai Chi or gentle yoga, Awareness Through Movement classes use slow, mindful movements to achieve powerful effects in terms of strength, flexibility, and holistic integration of body and mind. Unique to the Feldenkrais Method® of somatic education is that these lessons tie directly into functional movements of daily life, such as walking efficiently, safely lifting objects, and improving one’s posture in sitting or standing.

You can expect a class to last about 60 minutes.

Please wear comfortable clothes that allow you to move freely.

For more information about Awareness Through Movement (ATM) classes see Feldenkrais under our Classes menu on our website.